Organic Hericium Erinaceus Extract

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Organic Hericium Erinaceus Extract

Botanischer Name: Hericium Erinaceus(Bull.) Pers
Teilnutzung: Fruiting body
Spezifikation: Reines Pulver; Polysaccharid 10%-50%, Beta-Glucan 10 %–40 %, Triterpen: 0.2% 0.5% 1%
Aussehen: Light Yellow Fine Powder
Zertifikate: US-NOP-Bio- und EU-Bio-Zertifikat, Koscher, Halal, ISO, QS
OEM: Maßgeschneiderte Bestellverpackungen und Etiketten; OEM-Kapseln und Pillen

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Organic hericium erinaceus (Lion’s Mane Polysaccharide) is made from the fruiting body or mycelium of Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s Mane). It is also known as lion’s mane mushroom, bearded mushroom, satyr beard, bearded hedgehog mushroom, sporococcus, bearded tooth fungus, is a herbivorous edible fungus of the dental fungus family.

Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) extract contains a variety of active ingredients, mainly polysaccharides and beta-glucans (Beta-D-Glucan).

Organic Hericium Mushroom Powder/Lions Mane Powder Nutrition Facts:

Three active ingredients in Lion’s mane mushroom extract
A. Polysaccharid

Researchers have identified that water-soluble polysaccharides are one of the active ingredients found in lion’s mane. It has anti-tumour, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects.

B. Erinacines and Hericium.

Lion’s mane extract from fruit body and mycelium.
1. From fruitbody, there is the main ingredient: polysacchrides, Hericium.

2. From mycelium of Lion’s Mane extract, Polysaccharides, Erinacines.Erinacines from Mycelium of Lion’s Mane. Hericium from fruit body of Lion’s Mane.they are focus on improve brain memory.

C. Beta glucans

Nowadays, more and more health products companies and consumers pay attention to beta glucan, because it can effectively fight tumor, radiation, reduce cholesterol and regulate blood glucose and antioxidant effects.

Verwandte Produkte

Lion’s mane powder:
Lion’s mane powder from fruitbody or mycelium
Lion’s mane beta-glucan powder,(from fruit body)
Organic or non-organic Lion’s mane powder

Lion’s mane extract powder:

10%-50% Polysaccharides, (from fruit body or mycelium).
10%-40% Beta-glucan, (from fruit body).
Bio 10%-50% Polysaccharides, 10%-40% beta-glucan.
Water soluble or 80% water soluble extract powder.
Organic or non-organic Reishi extract powder.
Erinacines 2% from mycelium.
Hericium 2% from fruitbody.

What are we mushrooms grown on?
Lion’s mane base (Mushroom sticks in September and fruiting in mid-to-late December. The best time: March to April.): Jixiang, Gutian, Fujian. Lion’s mane has the ability to repair and regenerate neurons, resulting in improved cognitive function. It mitigates the effects of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. Lion’s mane is gaining high popularity in the Asian region.

Testen Sie auf Schwermetalle??

Natürlich. Alle Produkte werden zweifach auf Schwermetalle untersucht. Wir folgen der American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) Richtlinien für Schwermetalle. Unsere Schwermetallgrenzwerte sind sogar noch strenger als die von der AHPA festgelegten Grenzwerte.

Our advantage

Why are Lion’s mane so good for the cognitive ?

Lion’s mane is rich in vitamin B group, which can prevent mental disorders. In particular, VB12 in fresh Hericium erinaceus reaches 25% of the nutrient reference value, and the nutrient reference value in Hericium erinaceus powder is as high as 318%. VB12 is called “the magical brain health element”.

Lion’s mane can be used as a dietary supplement or medicine for the treatment of mental decline, neurasthenia and autonomic decline, especially for Alzheimer’s dementia.

The Planting conditions of Our lion’s mane
The first step is picking the proper culture medium. Cottonseed husks became our ultimate choice, which owns more abundant nutrition, good water retention ability, and easy to obtain. We keep those exist in a 20℃environment.

The second step is to sterilize those substrates. Put them in a roughly 100℃ environment. After sterilization, closed them for 4-6hours. Waiting for the drop in temperature. When the temperature is reduced to 30℃, let’s come to the next step. Combine the substrates with strains.

Our professors use the inoculation tool to quickly insert the strains into the substrate bags. Then seal well. Then come to the most important step——culturing. The growth of the lion’s mane has hard requirements regarding temperature and humidity. We control the temperature of the culture room at around 18℃ which is most proper for its growth.For the humidity, we control it at around 85%-95%.

As the growth of lion’s mane, we also add 3-4 times watering a day.we have fresh air in our mushroom house, and the concentration of CO2 in the mushroom room is less than 0.1%, avoiding the formation of malformed mushrooms. After 10-20days of growth, we could come into collecting stages. There also is a strict requirement about the final fruiting. The fruiting body needs to be full and solid.

Welche Art von UV-Methode verwenden Sie??
Wir verwenden PSA , PSA ist Phenolschwefelsäure, Aber Phenol und Schwefelsäure sind zwei verschiedene Flüssigkeiten. Wir verwenden Schwefelsäure, um Polysaccharide zu Glucose zu hydrolysieren, Dann kombinieren Sie Phenol und Glucose, um ein farbiges Produkt zu bilden, und dann UV verwenden, um den Gehalt an Polysacchariden zu erkennen.


Heißes Wasser & Alkoholextrakt, Dualer Extrakt

Organic Hericium Mushroom Powder Function

  • Asthma, allergic rhinitis
  • Lions mane mushroom extract poor renal function, renal injuries by chemicals
  • Chronic bronchitis, coughing
  • Poor resistance of respiratory tract, catching flu easily
  • Regulating blood pressure (high or low blood pressure)
  • Lions mane mushroom extract anti-aging, anti-weakness
  • The declining sex drive
  • Lowering raised blood lipid levels, strengthening the body’s immunity
  • Poor function of lungs & kidneys, irregular menstruation.

Organic Hericium Mushroom Powder Application

  • Food additive, cakes, snacks, drinks, and so on.
  • Bereich Gesundheitsprodukte, dietary supplement.
  • Pharmazeutischer Bereich.
  • Cosmetics industries.

Why Yhealth Organic Hericium Mushroom Extract?

Yhealth konzentriert sich seit vielen Jahren auf die Produktion und Entwicklung von Pflanzenextrakten. Wir liefern die Produkte für den Lebensmittelmarkt zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen.

Unsere Produkte werden strengen unabhängigen Tests unterzogen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie weltweit sicher verzehrt werden können.

Wie kauft man Bio Hericium Mushroom Extract?

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